All-on-4® Dental Implants

One Location.
One Day.
One Price.

If you are missing teeth, tired of wearing your denture, or if your denture is loose and
ill-fitting, All-On-4 dental implants will give you a more permanent, functional, and attractive smile! Take the first step towards reclaiming your confidence, and schedule a complimentary consultation today!

What is "All-on-4" ?

Never Hide Your Smile Again!

All-On-4 is a dental implant technique where the upper or lower set of teeth is replaced with just four implants. These four implants act as a support mechanism for the placement of a new set of fixed teeth. Sometimes called “Teeth In A Day”, All-On-4 dental implants are ideal because they don’t require you to replace each tooth individually, and instead attach a beautifully designed permanent denture to four titanium posts set in your jawbone, resulting in a seamless look. 

Why Choose All-On-4
Dental Implants?

Imagine giving yourself the gift of a lifetime of confidence! All-On-4 dental implants offer just that for many of our patients looking for a permanent solution to missing teeth or uncomfortable dentures

  • You can replace your entire set of missing teeth in just one day with only one surgery.
  • The implants permanently secure to your mouth, so they won’t loosen or shift like dentures.
  • The procedure restores your entire set of teeth with only four implants.
  • All-on-4 implants cost less than replacing each tooth individually.
  • You won’t typically need any bone grafting.

All-On-4® Vs. Traditional Dentures

All-On-4® Traditional Dentures
• Feels closest to natural teeth. • Bulky appliance and can be uncomfortable.
• Does not move • Can fall out.
• Preserves Bone • Denture sores may occur.
• Can last a lifetime • Bone loss will occur under the denture
• Ability to taste food • Will continually need to be refitted and replaced.
• Gain up to 95% of your natural ability biting force • Requires adhesive to secure and may affect the clarity of speech.

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