You’ve been told you need your wisdom teeth out. What’s next?

For many parents and patients, hearing the words “surgery” or “extraction” is scary. We’re on a mission to erase your fears about wisdom teeth removal through a world-class experience that combines expert care with unparalleled compassion and expertise.

Most people will need to have their wisdom teeth removed. When that time comes, we’re here to help make the process as easy, painless, and comfortable as possible. 

Why wisdom teeth need to be pulled

Your mouth was designed to hold 28 teeth, not 32. By the time your wisdom teeth start to grow, those 28 slots are already filled, making it difficult for widsdom teeth to come in properly. That’s why 90% of people end up with at least one wisdom tooth that requires extraction. Even when properly positioned, wisdom teeth can easily become infected and are at risk for cysts and tumors. A thorough evaluation by a dentist will determine the best course of action for your wisdom teeth.

Choosing the right oral surgeon for your child

Our dental team has extensive training and experience with oral surgery, which enables us to offer a different kind of “wisdom teeth experience” to our patients and their families. We know trusting your child’s health to someone is an important decision, and we pay extra attention to the most critical parts of your child’s care, including:

  • Anesthesia with a variety of sedation options available.
  • Compassion, and amenities to make the experience as pleasant as possible.
  • Home care and after-hours contact information, with attentive follow-ups.
  • A well-thought-out surgical strategy to minimize the need for invasive techniques.
  • Careful consideration of timing to ensure the easiest recovery possible.

The cost of wisdom teeth removal

The cost of wisdom teeth removal varies depending on several unique circumstances specific to your child (positioning, level of impaction, number of teeth). We will discuss all costs with you upfront and can help you determine whether your insurance offers any benefits for the procedure. We also offer payment plans and in-house financing to help make treatment affordable.

Waiting to remove wisdom teeth increases the likelihood of problems and complications. Because it is so common for wisdom teeth to cause problems like infection, pain, damage to neighboring teeth and, in rare circumstances, cysts and tumors, it is common to remove them in most people during the late teens and early twenties, (before the roots have fully developed). 

The Trouble with Wisdom Teeth

Are you still feeling unsure? Consider this: Wisdom teeth that are not removed can cause the following problems throughout your life: Hover over the images!


Your gums can become infected, a condition known as “pericoronitis”, due to the wisdom teeth unsuccessfully trying to push through the gum tissue. This condition, which causes pain, swelling and problems swallowing, can recur periodically.

Cysts and Benign Tumors:

Cysts are fluid-filled pockets that can form inside the jawbone when wisdom teeth are impacted. They can be very damaging and difficult to treat as they destroy jawbone and even neighboring teeth.

Crowding and Alignment Issues:

It should be no surprise that impacted wisdom teeth crowd your smile, causing misalignment issues, even if you have had braces

Damage to Nearby Teeth:

Wisdom teeth are notorious for damaging their neighbors by making it difficult to practice good hygiene in the area. This often results in decay, gum disease and sometimes bone loss.

If you have been putting off wisdom teeth surgery, give us a call – we can give you the calm, safe, comfortable experience you are looking for!