Platlet Rich Plasma


Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a safe, simple, low risk and highly effective way to enhance and accelerate healing after your dental procedure. This blood by-product is rich in platelets (which are cells that circulate in our blood and bind together when they recognize damaged blood vessels). Using PRP therapy can assist in tissue and bone regeneration, and  significantly decrease the rate of infection, reduce swelling and help assure the long-term success of dental surgery.

Best of all, platelet rich plasma is obtained from a small sample of a patient’s own blood, so it uses the body’s own generative powers to quickly and safely grow bones and soft tissue.

How does PRP therapy work?

The way PRP works is simple. PRP therapy uses injections of a patient’s own concentrated platelets to accelerate the healing process. Essentially, it uses your body’s own regenerative powers to help heal yourself.

To prepare PRP, a small amount of blood is taken and then ran through a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets. These concentrated platelets are then injected back into your tissue.

Platelets serve a number of applications in the healing process, including the release of growth factors that stimulate tissue recovery and activate the body’s own healing abilities. The more growth factors the body has access to while healing, the quicker wounds can heal.

Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma in Dentistry

Working with a dentist in San Antonio, Texas who uses PRP Therapy can dramatically  assist in tissue and bone regeneration, decrease the possibility of infection, reduce swelling and help assure the long-term success of dental surgery. Most of our patients who take advantage of our PRP treatment options experience:

  • Less pain and swelling after surgery
  • Faster healing of dental implants, extractions, etc.
  • Lower rates of infection
  • Lower occurrence of dry socket after a tooth extraction
  • Better overall healing and strength of the bone after dental surgery, implants, bone grafts, etc.
  • A cost-effective, natural, and completely safe way to help the healing process