Porcelain Veneers

Say it all,
with your smile.

Confidence changes everything.
We craft beautiful, natural-looking veneers using the latest technology.

It’s all about your smile

We bring a level of technology and care to your smile
makeover that’s unparalleled in our industry.

Free consultation

A 30 minute consult with our skilled doctor, where you can discuss your smile goals, and create a game plan!

Imaging and Smile Preview

A 50 minute appointment where we’ll use 3D imaging to give you a digital preview of your new smile! This is where things get really exciting!

Temporary Veneers

Also called “temps” this allows you to take your new smile for a test drive!

Permanent veneers

We make final adjustments and apply your permanent veneers…get ready for a major confidence boost; your new smile is here!

What's a veneer?

You can think of a porcelain veneer a lot like a contact lens, but for your teeth! Porcelain veneers are extremely thin (0.3mm, about the thickness of a business card) sheets of porcelain that are bonded to the front of your tooth. Porcelain is the material of choice because it most naturally replicates human enamel. They are used to change the shape, color, size, and symmetry of the teeth and smile.

What veneers treat

Spaced and Uneven



Worn down



Stained and Chipped



It's about so much more than just teeth.

“I want to give you a smile that is impossible to ignore, for all the right reasons. As a highly-trained Cosmetic Dentist, I use state-of-the-art technology, and only the finest materials, to craft your perfect smile”

-Dr. OLIVIA BUSTOS, Lead Dentist